วันอาทิตย์ที่ 1 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Write about culture using the new vocabulary words (Aomsin 56110543)eng1 week 14

In my life I'm so pound of myself that I have charge with reserved the hotel ticket that I was expected my voice will be a major in my tourism group.I enjoy with my friend the hotel is very nice.

วันเสาร์ที่ 23 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556

Write about culture using the new vocabulary words (Aomsin 56110543)eng1 week13

In my life I have study art and it have a lot of project.Sometime I have to creative art work.I like to draw a nature.I study art for a while but I was nervous because I don't like it.I try my best to be a good art.

Write about culture using the new vocabulary words (Aomsin 56110543) eng1 week12

In my life have many patient in the hospital mostly have a cancer people.Somepeople need to operation but the don't have money.They are need more treatment.The patient shouldn't refuse the doctor for the treatment.

วันศุกร์ที่ 22 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556

Write about culture using the new vocabulary words (Aomsin 56110543) eng1 week 11

Now a days it have a lot of pollution and crowded because people use a lot of materials to build houses.Every houses a design a beautiful house have big size and has efficient.

Writing about culture using the new vocabulary words (Aomsin 56110543) eng1 week10

In my life I like to stay at housing because have many residents in community.Sometime I need to follow the rules in the housing  to take care of the relationship between the housing.

Write about culture the new vocabulary words (Aomsin 56110543) eng1 week9

In my life the company's product on their website and in their store sell a perfume.Someone is choose perfume and they are not sure about the product ant salesman tell the customers to make sure about the product. Salesman has advertisement for selling product.

วันจันทร์ที่ 9 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2556

Write about culture using the new vocabulary words week1 (Aomsin 56110543) Eng1

In my life if ,I work with foreigner.I have to show respect to them.I hope that,I will talk carefully and no mistake.For sure,I will not touching them at the first meet.

Digital story week 3 (aomsin 56110543) Eng2

Digital story:
Today,I have read three book first book about Amazing Animal of the week.Second book about Jagua kills Caiman in "Spectaculcer" attack.Jaguar swim to attack a caiman,it bite a neck of Caimand and bite at the back.Thirt book about little pigs.Wolf huffed and puffed the house of the pig.Thirt house could not blow down that brick house.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 8 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2556

Digital story week 2 (Aomsin 56110543)

Daily News
Title/Author    The bull tn the Well 
        Thought:I was walking in my field looking at the fruit trees and,I heard some people shouting.Then we all went to see what had happened.At that time everyone was worried about what to do and what would happen to the poor cowand everyone was giving their own advice.They slaughtered the animal as it lay in  the well and then they cut it up and sold the meat,to everyone in the village.Obuiously they paid the money to the man who had borrowed the but in the first place so that the could replay its owner

Title/Author    Life as a stutterer is hard
        Thought:Life as a stutterer is very hard.Stuttering is not widely understand or discussed.Its enormous effect on an individual is definitely not seen by people.Uob interviews are a nightmare .So is answering telephone calls. I've had people hanging up on the other and of the phone because I couldn't get words out in time!As a result I have unwillingly become a very quiet derson who does not talk to people and avoids speaking in meetings or in group discussion

Title/Author    Christmas In Prague
         In this chapter the father of Jan was telling every thing about the old time that what happen.And Jan ask his father to.

Digital story
          Today have yest reading.The bull in the well,Life as a stutter is hard and Christmas in Prague.The bull  in  the well tell about they Slaughtered the animal as it lay in the well and then they cut it up and sold the meat.Life as a stutter is hard tell about life as a stutter is very hard.Christmas in Prague tell about Jan ask his father to go to Prague. 

Digital story week 1 (Aomsin 56110543) Eng2

Daily News
Title/Author    As India passes Food Bill,Worries over cost
        Thoughts:India's finance minister said the country can afford a massive a new government program to provide two-thirds of the country's population with cheap food.It has been billed as the wold's biggest program to fight hunger,but there are fears it may further strain weakening economy.

Title/Author    The channel Islands
         Thought:Guern,Jersey.Alderny and Sark are Crown dependencies with their own legislative systems,and not part of the United Kingdom.Little pockets of Gallic charm reflecting their historical links with France.

Title/Author    Christmas in Prague
         Thought:Today,I read a book about Christmas 1957.The village is quiet not everybody is sleeping.They are watching the road they are afraid.The baby on her back is sleeping but now he opens his eye and begins to cry.The women is afraid and runs more slowly.Suddenly there is a noise in the night the noise of guns.

Digital story
Today,I reading about As India passes Food Bill,Worries over cost,The Channel Island and Christmas in Prague.As India Pass Food Bill worries over cost about government program.The country's population with cheap food.The channel Island tell about little pockets of Gallic charm reflecting their historical links with France.Christmas in Prague tell about the women is afraid and runs more slowly.Suddenly there is a noise in the night the noise of guns.

วันศุกร์ที่ 6 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2556


My hometown have many restaurant.It is the most famous in Hat-Yai.My hometown have a lot of  Chinese
Tourist are always come visit us because we selling the product very cheap.

วันอังคารที่ 27 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Rain Kiratica 56110543 AW2

I don't like rain.Rain made me and my friend go to study late.The rain made a traffic jam in Bangkok.Sometime a motorcycle is swerve in a road.Some one happen a accident can get die.The rain made me had lower grade.

วันอังคารที่ 16 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556


                                                              windth    white
                                                          big    soar   bright
                                                      Spaceships search big stars
                                                         survey    search     see
                                                              important     all

                                                              angry   popular
                                                             buy    beat     lie
                                                        Angry people red face
                                                         sad     best     back
                                                                red     be


                                                              every     best

                                                           eat   drink   choose

                                                       Best  food  every  world

                                                           draw  come  sleep

                                                                 all    cool



วันอังคารที่ 9 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

My dog

My dog is lovely.My dog likes to someone take care.It's so lazy wants to sleep.Sometimes it's so sleepy.My dog likes to exercise in a park and sea.It doesn't like people hitting it.My dog likes to sleep with me.I like to hug it.I think it is warm and very happy.My dog likes to eat bones.I met my dog when I was 15 years old.I would like my dog forever.

วันอังคารที่ 2 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556



                                                            I love my family.
                                                   I stay with my grandparents.
                                                        They make me happy.

                                                           My friend is lovely.
                                                       We understand each other.
                                                          We are friends always.

                                                           I like to eat food.
                                                       When I eat,I feel happy.
                                                          But it makes me fat.